By Kyle Reyes
Every year, there are between three and five thousand accidents because of reindeer.
Note: this figure does NOT include Santa's fender-benders. The man gets a pass.
It's a problem that's grown to epidemic proportions in Finland. So what are they doing about it?
Glow-in-the-dark reindeer.
No - they're not radioactive. These bad boys are sprayed with reflective sprays so the antlers can be more visible to drivers at night.
Down with the number of accidents...up with the number of drivers suffering heart attacks when they see one of these guys standing in the middle of the road.
Here's the thing. Every business owner has reindeer run out in the road in front of them, metaphorically speaking.
I'm talking about the challenges that you didn't expect. The new competing business that opened up across the street. You inability to grasp the accounting principals you need to know to balance your books. Your struggles in managing staff schedules.
A business colleague of mine owns a successful web production company. He focuses his efforts on small businesses because he believes in helping them grow.
But because he focuses on predominately struggling small businesses, it means he has to take on a higher volume of them at a lower price in order to afford to pay his own bills.
His reindeer in the road? Time management.
This colleague tells me that the biggest struggle he faces is his own time management and getting all of the competing projects done in a timely fashion. Forget the struggles he faces balancing "home" time with "work" time.
Step one - he's acknowledged his struggle. It's one that I'd imagine just about every business owner faces. Let's call it "business A.D.D.". We all seek to balance the needs of our clients with our own needs...and somewhere in there find time for our loved ones.
He's an incredibly talented man - that has taken some incredible steps to solve his own challenges. His clients would never know he struggles with time management - which makes him one helluva business owner, from my perspective.
Our team at The Silent Partner Marketing understands the challenges that business owners face in terms of time management. That's what we're here for. We understand you can't possibly run a business, manage the social media for your business, write blogs, and film videos for your business. That's where we come in.
The reindeer are out there. Let The Silent Partner Marketing help spray the antlers to prevent you from crashing.
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